Praise the great rain

Praise the great rain
In the wake of the plentiful rainfall that we have received this year from both the monsoons, it is impossible for us to repay our debt to Mother Nature for the love and care she has showered on us. No amount of eulogizing will be enough for the sweet pearls of pure water that has descended upon us from about No words are sufficient to praise the muddy rivulets of water that fill up our lakes. No greater miracle can there be than the blinding rain that fell upon us and filled our land and heart.

It is to the credit of all the voluntary organizations and the Coimbatore Corporation that the tanks were cleaned and bunds readied to receive all the water. The tireless work of the non government organizations will pay rich dividends this year. Water soured is worth its weight in gold. And it is our privilege and honor to be able to celebrate this bounty from Mother Nature with so much fanfare and gaiety at the Kovai Vizha 2020 to be held on January 11th of Kikani Auditorium, Coimbatore.

The monsoon of 2019 has exceeded all expectations and all the dams have overflowed. The delta region of Tamil Nadu has benefited greatly. In the Coimbatore region also the tanks Kumaran Kuttai, Ukkadam Tank, Selakarachal dam. Gangs Maroon Samudrom and Sottaiyandi Kuttai have immensely benefited the farming community. The check dam at Nandankarai has a perennial overflow. Here in this region, because of the hard rock formations, water percolation is slow and aquifers are found at depth of more than 700 feet below ground. So dependence on river or surface water is great. It is also a fact that during monsoons, the runoff water from the horseshoe formation of mountains surrounding this area causes flash floods and soil erosion. So the water that falls over a period of week or ten days will have to be stored and made available for as long as possible. This makes it totally mandatory that proper scientific water shed management is done in these regions. Only then will the rainfall have the necessary benefits for the local community.

The movement for water is gaining traction every day. More and more young hands are interested in making a career in this field of scientific water management principles coupled with socio environment consciousness. Water management in private hospitals, factories and apartments can help save thousands and lakhs of rupees that would otherwise be spent in rigging more bore wells or in purchasing water during the summer months. Indeed, it is a win – win for all concerned when every drop is soured as it’s more than worth its weight in gold.
Vanitha Mohan