Mrs Sujani Balu is a Coimbatorean and has a unique perspective about the city, born out of a background that was both agrarian and Industrial. The Noyyal River and Mutthanankulam both shaped her childhood and that, more than anything inspired her to be a part of Siruthuli. A lover of all intricate handcrafts, she is a passionate dabbler in varied handcrafts and is a former President of the Crafts Council of Tamil Nadu. She is the founder member of FLO, Ficci Ladies Organisation – Coimbatore chapter. An avid gardener, she was a founder member of The Friendly Bonsai Club in Coimbatore. In addition to her involvement with Siruthuli, Mrs Balu is the Correspondent of Saraswati Vidyalaya Matriculation School and Jt. Managing Director of Sri Balasubramania Mills Ltd.
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