The Ukkadam Periakulam got back its life when Coimbatoreans
rolled up their sleeves plunged into action along with the Siruthuli team.
Thoor Vaarum Thiruvizha ( Desilting Festival) saw Coimbatoreans bringing hearts and
hands together every Sunday for over 6 weeks determined to bring back to life a 320
acre water body right in the middle of the city.
It looked like a festival – children running
around helping to move silt to the bunds, college students excitedly jumping out of
buses eager to work, Siruthuli umbrellas adding colour to the landscape , Central
Reserve Police Force (CRPF), police personnel led by the Police Commissioner, the
Rapid Action Force team working together in unison, as if performing a mass drill, NCC
cadets taking up strategic positions, old and young, saint and soldier and many many
more. The entire team from a Tamil daily came in hordes to save water for their city.
“Instead of being only observers and reporters who write about events, we unanimously
decided to pitch in with volunteer work,” says one of them.
The Coimbatore Corporation, District Administration, Siruthuli, and Vijayalakshmi
Charitable Trust joined hands for the desilting initiative at the Big Tank or Periakulam. It
belongs to the Noyyal River system, which has 20 anicuts and 24 tanks in Coimbatore
District. Periakulam receives surplus water from the Selva Chinthamani tank located
upstream. It has a tank bed area of 320 acres and a storage capacity of 70 mcft. This
tank used to be brimming with water, but over a period of time heavy siltation, dumping
of garbage and unchecked growth of Prosopis Juliflora reduced the water holding
capacity by more than one third.
The Vijayalakshmi Charitable Trust deployed 6 Poclains, 11 tipper lorries and 3
bulldozers to desilt the tank, to create 3 islands for planting saplings, and to strengthen
the bund. Hundreds of labourers spent two months on the job. Heart swells up in joy to
see a clean lake bed and a smooth 5.5 km-long and 30-ft-wide earthen walking track
around the newly desilted lake. The rains lashed the city soon after this effort, and the
lake started brimming with water all over again. Birds including migratory birds from
Siberia started coming back – a sight to behold!